Tired of stagnating Spanish?

✅ Make real progress with fun live lessons and our innovative approach

🧑‍🏫️ Several live classes per week

For different levels from beginner to advanced - replays of the classes are available on our platform in case you can't make it to class!

🏋🏼 Introducing: Spanish Workouts 

Engaging, Interactive live practice sessions to master what we learn in class. Because practice and repetition are key to success. After all, this is the Spanish GYM!

🧠 Introducing: The Spanish Hackers

A weekly class that teaches shortcuts and hacks that will unlock hundreds of words in minutes to supercharge your Spanish! This class is all about learning smart instead of hard and is suitable for all levels from absolute beginners to intermediate/advanced - anyone can get value out of this class!

🗣 Weekly conversation clubs 

Put your Spanish into practice and converse with fellow learners and teachers in fun, guided conversation sessions! It's a safe space, so mistakes are welcome and no recordings are made ;)

📝 Tools & Materials to help you learn

We give you weekly homework, exercise sheets and practice materials that you can use to further practice the topics, vocabulary and grammar you learn in class!

We realize that the keys to mastering a language are consistency, community, practice and live interaction. That's why we have created the Spanish Gym - a virtual Spanish school that combines all these factors. Join us from anywhere in the world and start leveling up your Spanish at your own pace!


Join now for a reduced price of only


(regular price 47$/month)

and lock in your cheap membership (risk-free with a 7-day free trial!)

Welcome & Invitation by Victoria 👋🏽

How does it work? Overview & Walkthrough by Niko 🏋🏼

Join The Spanish Gym Today 💪

Unbeatable value for money and a proven model to keep you engaged: 1-on-1 private classes PLUS access to live classes, the community, weekly conversation club and bonus materials!

Standard Membership

Join the club, start learning now!

✅ Access to all our live group classes (6+ per week!)

✅ Weekly exclusive learning materials

✅ Recommended for all levels

Risk-free 7-day free trial, cancel anytime!


Plus Membership

Most popular deal - personalized learning

One private 1-on-1 class per week included (45 min)

✅ Access to all our live group classes/practice sessions (6+ per week!)

✅ Weekly exclusive learning materials

✅ Recommended for all levels

✅ Cancel anytime


VIP Membership

Best value - Make fast progress!

Two private 1-on-1 classes per week included (45 min)

✅ Personalized learning plan

✅ Access to all our live group classes/practice sessions (6+ per week!)

✅ Weekly exclusive learning materials

✅ For those who want to progress fast!

✅ Cancel anytime


What our students say 🧑‍🎓️

Meet your teachers

Hola, soy Victoria.

Mucho gusto, I'm Victoria, a digital nomad from Colombia and co-founder of The Spanish Gym. With several years of experience teaching Spanish, I'm here to make your language learning journey both effective and enjoyable.

As a lover of language and art, I combine the joy of teaching with the magic of learning. My lessons are filled with interactive exercises, aimed at making Spanish practical and engaging, while minimizing the usual overwhelming focus on grammar. Expect a mix of lively conversation, practical drills, and even some fun games.

I understand the value of making mistakes—they are crucial steps in learning. So, in our lessons, feel free to stumble; it's all part of the process. With all materials provided and an interactive online platform to ensure and track your progress, your focus will be solely on learning and enjoying the language. Dive in with me into the world of Spanish, where every mistake is an opportunity to advance further!

Hola, soy Niko.

Mucho gusto, I'm Niko! Language enthusiast, co-founder and teacher at The Spanish Gym. Originally from Germany, I've been teaching languages full-time for many years - both my mother tongue German and Spanish.

Having lived in South America for 8+ years, and having learned 5 languages, I know exactly what the process of learning a language looks and feels like, where it gets tricky and what is important to make real progress. That's why I'm so excited about The Spanish Gym - because here we are applying all the lessons learned about learning and teaching languages over the years!

My students describe me as patient, down-to-earth and fun - so I hope to live up to this description in our classes here at the gym!

Apart from my passion for languages, I am also a certified yoga teacher and organize co-living retreats for digital nomads, mainly in Latin America.

Looking forward to meeting you in class soon!

... and more awesome teachers coming soon!

Got any questions?

Feel free to contact us via the following options: